Sowing Instructions

Aconitum:  For a Spring planting, Aconite seeds need a cold treatment. Place seed in water or moistened soil and freeze for 3 wks.  After the cold treatment, sow in starter trays transplanting seedlings when temperatures are warm.  Seeds can be very slow to germinate, do not use heat.

Allium Carinatum: Sow at any time covering with compost or grit 5 mm deep, keeping the seed pot in a cool, well-lit spot outdoors.  Grow on individual seedlings in small pots until of sufficient size to be potted on or planted out into open ground.  Alternatively sow direct into a gravel bed where they will naturalise over time.

Anomatheca Laxa:  Sow in Spring in cold, damp, dark conditions.  Heat and light is not needed and may prevent germination.  Will appear almost like blades of grass, but may take some time to appear so please be patient.  Should flower during second season.

Aquilegia:  Sow thinly using on to moist compost.  Place covered tray in a greenhouse/windowsill but do not exclude light.  Remove cover when seeds start to germinate (may take 30-90 days) and keep moist.  Transplant seedlings spaced out 5 cm (2 in) apart in trays and grow on.  May also be sown direct outdoors from April-June.

Anemone Blanda:  Sow in containers in a cold frame before planting out after the appearance of at least 2 healthy growing leaves.

Anemone Pulsatilla:  Seeds can be sown at any time but are best sown in winter or early spring to benefit from a cold spell in the wet compost to break their dormancy. We advise covering seeds very thinly with sand or fine grit to about the depth of the seed size. If the seeds do not come up within 6-12 wks the damp seed tray can be given cold treatment in a fridge for about four weeks. They may still take very many months to appear, so please never discard the pot or tray.

Astrantia:  For best results, sow seeds as soon as you receive them in a cool place onto a good soil-based compost.  Cover the seeds with fine grit or compost to approximately their own depth.  Light seems to be beneficial so only the lightest covering needed.  These seeds can be very slow indeed to germinate, and as a rule they wait for spring before emerging whenever they are sown.  Please be very patient.

Aubretia: Sow seeds 0.5 cms deep in trays of moist compost, being careful not to over-water.  Store in a greenhouse or cold frame until large enough to pot on into bigger pots or trays.  Keep in a warm, light position until all chance of frost has passed when plants can be transplanted direct into final flowering position.

Briza Maxima:  Sow outdoors for best results, preferably in full sun and well drained soil. Sow 0.5 cm (¼") deep, in a seed bed and keep moist.  Thin seedlings as necessary.  Can also be sown in seed trays in Spring and potted out when large enough to handle.

Callistemon:  Surface sow on moist, free-draining seed compost. Do not cover seed and do not exclude light which is beneficial to germination. Propagate at 13-18°C in a propagator, greenhouse or indoor windowsill sealed in a polythene bag.  Seeds are very small, almost like dust, but are fairly easy to grow. Bottlebrushes need at least 6 hrs of direct sunlight a day. Make sure seed tray receives full sun.

Campanula Persicifolia:  Since the seeds are so small, they barely need covering.  Simply sprinkle them over a seed-starting tray filled with moist peat or potting mix and cover them lightly.  Then place the tray in a warm location (65-70 F/18-21°C) with plenty of sun and keep it moist.  You can also scatter the seeds directly into the garden and gently rake some soil over them.  Within about 2-3 wks, Campanula sprouts should appear.

Centaurea:  Easy to grow with good germination rate.  Sow indoors 10 mm deep into moist well-drained compost. Propagate at 15-20°C, normally germinates in the dark within 28 days. Transplant once large enough to handle to 8 cm pots and overwinter under glass. Can sow direct into prepared raked soil 3 mm deep in drills 30 cm apart. Thin to 15 cm spacing when large enough to handle.

Comfrey:  Direct sow seed outdoors Mar - Jun in moist, fertile, well drained soil in sunny position. Sow thinly at 1 cm in rows 30 cm apart. When large enough to handle, thin to 60 cm apart.

Commelina:  Sow indoors onto moist, well-drained compost and cover finely.  Ideal temp. 20°C. Keep in a bright area. Germination takes approx 2 wks then grow on in cooler conditions. Transplant when large enough to handle and harden off when risk of frost has passed. Prefer moist, well drained soil. Can also be sown in Autumn under cover.  Young seedlings usually die back in Winter and re-emerge in the early Spring.

Corydalis Lutea:  Seeds require a period of cold and damp to germinate.  Sow indoors at any time, sow under glass in Spring or Autumn.  Under glass, surface sow onto moist, well-drained seed compost.  Do not cover seed as light is needed for germination. Ideal temp. 16°C.  Germination takes 21-40 days but can be erratic taking up to 5 wks.  Indoors, place seeds between damp kitchen paper, place in a freezer bag and pop in the fridge at 4°C for 2 wks removing the seedlings as they emerge.  Transplant seedlings when large enough to handle to 8 cm pots and grow on allowing a tuber to form.  Acclimatise for 10-15 days before planting out.  

Dicentra spectabilis: Best sown in Autumn at 18-22°C.  At all other times of the year stratification in a moist medium is needed to simulate growth during Winter.  Sow in a well drained compost, covering lightly with vermiculite.  Do not cover as light needed to germinate.  Place container in a bed of water, ensuring moisture throughout the compost, then drain.  Keep at 18-22°C for 2-4 wks before moving to 4°C for 4-6 wks (this can be in the fridge).  Finally bring back to 5 - 12°C for germination.  Seeds are slow to germinate, taking from 30-180 days.  Prick out each seedling as it becomes large enough to handle and transplant in to pots or trays before gradually acclimatising to outside conditions.

Dierama:  Very easy to grow with a high germination rate.  Seeds can be sown at any time into a good quality compost or seed raising mix.  Cover with fine river sand or compost to 5 mm depth.  Natural germination will occur outside or in a seed raising tray kept at 15-20°C.  Germination takes from 1-3 months.  Grow on the individual grass like seedlings in small pots.  Protect from frost in first year and ideally keep in a greenhouse until large enough not to be mistaken for grass shoots.  Dieramas do cross pollinate easily with other species and varieties.  These seeds may produce some flower colours differing from parent plant.

Digitalis:  Sow in Spring or Summer on top of the compost.  The seed needs light to germinate. Keep at 15-20°C.  Transplant in to bigger pots when large enough to handle and gradually harden off.  Plant out after the frost has past.

Erigeron Karvinskianus:  Sprinkle seed on the surface of seed compost and keep moist on a warm kitchen windowsill, then plant out in May.  Alternatively sow direct April-July.  Erigeron grows best in well-drained soil in full sun.

Fairy Foxglove: Sow in Spring or Summer on top of compost. The seed needs light to germinate. Keep at 15-20°C.  Transplant in to bigger pots when large enough to handle and gradually harden off.  Plant out after frost has passed.

Francoa Sonchifolia: Can be sown direct to desired location but best started in seed trays.  Sow on to the surface of moist, well drained seed compost just covering with a sprinkling of of soil or vermiculite.  Keep moist until germination (approx 14-28 days) and transplant when seedlings are large enough to handle before acclimatising and planting out the following Spring.

Fritillary:  Best to start in seed trays as seedlings can be hard to distinguish when first appearing.  This is a bulbous perennial that will slowly produce a button shaped bulb about 2 cms in diameter. If you want them to get established you must leave plants to set seed naturally and not cut down until late June/July. They will then slowly naturalise as they do in the wild.

Galega officinalis: Sow in April in good quality well drained seed compost.  Cover lightly and place in a cold frame.  Germination 3 - 4 wks.  When large enough to handle, transplant into 3" pots prior to planting out.

Geranium:  Sow outdoors, Feb/Mar or Sept/Oct, 0.5 cm (¼") deep, in a seed bed.  Keep moist.  Thin seedlings as necessary and transplant to flowering positions in Spring or Autumn, spacing approx. 25 cm (10") apart.  Or, indoors, Feb-April, in trays of seed compost.  Pot on to further trays and harden off before planting out, late May.  Flowers June-Sept following year.  Best to soak seeds for a couple of hours prior to planting.

Goat's Beard: Best sown in Autumn in a cold frame or in final flowering position.  Cover lightly and keep moist but not overly wet.

Helianthemum: Sow thinly indoors between Feb-April and cover with a fine layer of compost. Cover with glass, polythene or propagator lid. Keep at approx. 15-20˚C. Seedlings appear 14-21 days. Remove cover when seedlings appear and transplant when large enough to handle. Grow on at approx. 13˚C. Gradually acclimatise plants to outside conditions. Transplant 45 cm apart in flowering position from summer onwards.

Hellebore:  Sow outdoors upon receipt - ideally late Spring/early Summer when seeds naturally occur.  Sow on top of compost and cover lightly.  The key to successful germination is providing regular light irrigation all summer long - do not allow the soil to dry out but do not keep it wet either.  Keep them outside all year in conditions similar to where they will be planted.  Germination should occur during the Winter after they have sat in moist compost for several months.  Do not use artificial heat as they are cold germinators.

Honesty: Outdoors May-Jul 20 cms deep, covering lightly.  Firm and keep moist.  When large enough, thin to 5 cms, transplanting to growing position Sept-Oct at 20 cms apart.  Will flower following year.

Ipomeoa: Best soaked over night beforehand and sown indoors during Apr or in final flowering position after last frosts.  Sow 5 mm deep, space or thin to 30-45 cms between plants.  Pinch tops when they start to climb to branch growth.

Knautia: Sow Spring or Autumn in seed trays or final growing position, lightly covered with compost.  Usually easy to germinate before potting on when large enough to handle.

Limnanthes Douglasii:  Indoors Feb/Mar or directly in Apr/May on moist, well-drained compost, covering finely. Germination takes 14-21 days.  Keep moist, pricking out when large enough to handle and planting out after the last frosts.  If sowing direct, sow 3 mm deep in rows 30 cms apart, thining to 15 cms once growth appears.

Lupinus Arboreus: Sow 3 mm deep in a moist, well-drained, seed compost in pots or trays.  Seal in a polythene bag or place in a propagator and maintain an optimum temperature of 18-21˚C.  Germination should occur after 15-60 days.

Lychnis Coronaria: Can be sown direct to desired location but best started in seed trays during Apr/May before transplanting during September to flower following year.  Not fussy on soil type.

Mallow: Seed needs a period of cold to germinate, sow in Autumn and overwinter outdoors for germination the following Spring.  Alternatively mix with vermiculite, keep warm for 3 wks, refridgerate for 6 wks then sprinkle on compost and put in cool light place.  Germination can be erratic with cycles and repeated cycles of warms and cold may be needed.

Marsh Marigold: Sow Jun/Aug to mimic natural dispersion.  Sow thinly, covering lightly, keeping seed trays constantly moist.  Germination usually occurs in 21-30 days.  Alternatively sow in final growing position.

Meconopsis Cambrica:  Easy seed to grow with good germination rate.  Either sow in seed trays and prick out when third leaf has developed, or sow directly in final growing place.  If using latter method, be sure to keep soil moist and undisturbed until seedlings appear.

Monarda didyma:  Sow indoors (Jan-Mar) 2 mm deep into moist well-drained seed compost.  Just cover the seed with soil, ideal temperature 20°C. Germination takes 10-24 days.  Transplant seedlings once large enough to handle to 8 cm pots and grow on.  Acclimatise and plant out after danger of frost has passed with 50 cm spacing.  Sow outside (Sept-Nov).  Sow directly where they are to flower for the following year.  Water if required until the plants are established.

Pea:  Sow at any time onto good soil-based compost, covering with fine grit or compost to approximately their own depth.  We recommend germinating at 15-20°C.  Germination may be very slow, perhaps 2-3 months, or sometimes much longer, and these seeds may sometimes wait for Spring before emerging.  Grow on individual seedlings in 3 inch pots before finally planting with climbing support in a well-drained spot or very large pot.

Primula: Sow indoors or under glass in Spring or into a cold frame in Autumn. Indoors, surface sow onto moist well-drained seed compost.  Just cover with grit.  Place somewhere cool, ideal temp. 15-22°C. Germination takes 21-40 days but can be erratic, taking much longer.  If germination does not occur cold stratify - move to 4°C (for 4-6 weeks) then return to warmth.  Pot on when seedlings large enough to handle.  Acclimatise and plant out after danger of frost has passed.  Can be sown into a cold frame in Autumn where Winter cold should offer ideal conditions for germination to occur in Spring as the weather warms.

Pulmonaria:  Sow seeds in Spring or Autumn. Need a period of cold to enable germination. In Autumn sow the seeds on the surface of seed compost, cover with grit and keep in a shaded cold-frame or cool glasshouse.  Sow 2.5 cm apart in trays or cells containing seed compost.  Sow the seeds on the surface of the compost, and place in a light position at a regular temperature of around 16°C (60°F).  Germination should take place between 30-60 days at temperatures of around 15-18°C (60-65°F).

Rehmannia elata: Sow in trays, press into soil and barely cover.  Need light to germinate. Kept moist and at 60-65°F germination is in 15-30 days. Transplant into the garden 12-18 inches apart after all danger of frost.

Scabious:  For best results, sow seeds immediately onto a good soil-based compost.  Cover the seeds with fine grit or compost to approximately own depth.  Can be sown any time, and germination can sometimes be quicker if kept at 15-20°C.  However, we sow most seeds in an unheated greenhouse and wait for natural germination as many seeds have built-in dormancy mechanisms, and often wait for spring before emerging regardless of when they are sown.  But Spring sowing will obviously give them a full season of growth if successful germination occurs.

Sisyrinchium Striatum:  Sow into cold frames in early Autumn/Spring.  Surface sow onto moist, well-drained compost.  Cover lightly, keeping moist at all times.  Ideal temperature 10-20ºC.  Germination takes around 3-4 wks from a Spring sowing but can be erratic and take much longer, do not discard seed trays prematurely.  Autumn sowings may not emerge until Spring.  Transplant seedlings when large enough to handle, acclimatise and plant out after danger of frost has passed. 

Tagetes: Require light to germinate.  Press into soil, covering lightly and keeping moist.  Average germination time 5-20 days.  Prick out when large enough to handle, transplanting in pots/trays before gradually acclimatising to outside conditions.  Space 20 cms apart in final flowering position.

Taraxacum pseudoroseum:  Sow in seed tray with minimal cover and keep moist until seedlings being to appear.  Pot on until size allows planting in final growing place.

Wallflower:  Sow at any time but best sown in Spring for planting at the end of the season and flowering the following year.  Sow on moist seed compost and cover lightly.  Place on a warm, light windowsill and transplant when large enough to handle.  Will be helped by a propagator if one is available. Seedlings should appear within 21 days.